Operating as a Syndicate Operator / Lottery Management Company

By participating in the syndicate operated by Winbysyndicate.com, which is being managed by Insight GRHF Consultancy Limited, having registered number as 15175841 in the United Kingdom having it’s registered office at 35 New Broad Street, London – EC2M 1NH for lottery management and acting as Ticket Purchasing Service Company, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. Eligibility: Participation in the syndicate is open to individuals who are of legal age of 18 Years and above, as per the laws of the United Kingdom and Isle of Man. Employees of The National Lottery and their immediate family members are not eligible to participate.

2. Voluntary Participation: Participation in the syndicate is entirely voluntary. By joining, participants acknowledge that they are under no obligation to continue their participation and may withdraw at any time as per the terms and conditions specified from time to time.

3. Risk Acknowledgment: Participants acknowledge that participation in any lottery, including syndicates, carries inherent risks. While syndicates increase the chances of winning by pooling resources, there is no guarantee of winning any prize. Winbysyndicate.com does not guarantee any specific outcome from participation in the syndicate. It is however expected that playing experience and the odds of probable winning will be better.

4. Financial Responsibility: Participants understand that they are responsible for their contribution to the syndicate as a subscribed member or an occasional member. They will ensure that their contribution as a regular subscriber or as an occasional participant does cover them to pay for any lines or participation in a syndicated block of 100 lines as per a relevant draw. Winbysyndicate.com or Insight GHRF Consultancy Limited is not responsible for any financial losses incurred by participants through their participation in the syndicate.

5. Payment Obligations: Participants agree to fulfill their payment obligations promptly and in accordance with the terms outlined by Winbysyndicate.com. Failure to make timely payments may result in the participant's exclusion from the syndicate or from a particular draw.

6. Prize Distribution: In the event that a particular Syndicated Block of 100 lines within all participants for a particular of the extended Syndicate Group – referred as Crowd, wins a lottery prize, Winbysyndicate.com will distribute the winnings among the participants in accordance with the syndicate agreement. Participants acknowledge that the distribution of winnings may be subject to taxes and other deductions as per applicable laws. Currently, in the United Kingdom and Isle of Man there is no tax applicable on any lottery winnings. However, if the Group Leader is obliged to distribute among its’ members then they need to comply with any tax that may be applicable from case to case.

7. Changes to Syndicate Operations: Winbysyndicate.com or Insight GHRF Consultancy Limited reserves the right to make changes to the operation of the syndicate, including but not limited to, the selection of lottery games, participation fees, and syndicate structure. Participants will be notified of any significant changes in advance.

8. Legal Compliance: Participants agree to comply with all relevant laws and regulations governing lottery participation in their jurisdiction. Winbysyndicate.com or Insight GHRF Consultancy Limited will not be liable for any legal consequences arising from the participant's failure to comply with applicable laws.

9. Indemnity: Participants agree to indemnify and hold Winbysyndicate.com or Insight GHRF Consultancy Limited, its officers, directors, employees, and agents harmless from any claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses arising out of or related to their participation in the syndicate.

10. Governing Law: These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United Kingdom and Isle of Man without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

By participating in the syndicate, participants acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to abide by these terms and conditions. Failure to comply with these terms may result in the participant's exclusion from the syndicate.

Winbysyndicate.com or Insight GHRF Consultancy Limited reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Participants will be notified of any changes to the terms and conditions via email or other communication channels.

[Last Updated and recorded : 01 April 2024]

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